Proud Lyrics – Peshi Kubbe: Presenting the lyrics of the song “Proud” sung by Peshi Kubbe. The music of this song is given by Harris while lyrics are penned by Peshi Kubbe.
Proud Lyrics – Peshi Kubbe
Mehnta Te Karke Proud Parpaye
Verriya De Seene Gloud Parpaye
Rah Vich Khadde Jo Rodde Banke
Unaa Roddya Nu
Verriya De Seene Gloud Parpaye
Rah Vich Khadde Jo Rodde Banke
Unaa Roddya Nu

Peshi Kubbe – Proud Song Details
Song: Proud
Singer/Lyrics: Peshi Kubbe
Music: Harris
Producer/Director/Screen Writer: DJ Nagra
Composer: Satwinder Noor
Label: Jass Records